Help Wanted: Easy and Light Housekeeping

flexible part-time house keeping help wanted in Los Angeles
Minimum Home Cleaning Standard
A relatively clean shoe-free small home in Los Angeles is looking for a friendly and independent individual to help with light housekeeping for $15/hr:
  1. Clean double-sinks in kitchen to keep them at least as clean as the photo above. (approx.15 mins) 
  2. Vacuum and mop floor in small living room, kitchen and dining room. (approx. 20 mins.) 
  3. Pull out some weed in a very small patio, bag and trash it. (approx.15 mins.) 
Qualification Required:
  • You have experience in cleaning.
  • You can clean independently without supervision.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must have good reference.
Do not bring your own cleaning supplies because we don't like to share rags and sponges with your other clients, we prefer you to use our own. Compensation will be $15/hr in cash, and minimum pay per visit is $15.  If it takes you less than one hour to finish the above listed tasks, you are free to go. The above tasks should take less than an hour because the home is very small  and its occupants keep it relatively clean.  But in the most unlikely scenario where the place becomes dirtier than normal and needs more time to be cleaned, then your extra time will be compensated according to the hourly rate.

You can choose the time you come to perform the above tasks. If you have a young kid whom you want to take along with you to work, we will have no problem with it as long as you can complete the tasks within the expected time required. We can even help your child with homework or read to your child while you clean, if you wish. We will consider retaining you on a regular weekly basis if your job performance is satisfactory.

If you are interested in applying for the above flexible and easy housekeeping work, please fill-in the following:


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